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  • 重庆自考网> 试题题库列表页> How to Perfect the Art of Public SpeakingIf you want to become the type of speaker you've always wanted to be,readthe following suggestions.1.  You can't go from a nervous speaker to a star speaker overnight.You shouldn't expect to.Give yourself time to get used to a large audience.Start with smaller groups and get as much feedback as you can.Keep on practicing and developing your skills.2.  Be familiar with your speech materials.That doesn't mean memorizing your speech,which can lack enthusiasm and naturalness.Know your key talking points,supporting details and ways to move from one point to the next.3.  Positive energy can be passed.If you're excited and enthusiastic,your audience will be,too.You'll be surprised at the positive cycle that creates:An enthusiastic audience can add even more energy to you.Use hand gestures.When appropriate,smile,smile,smile.4. Find friendly,interested faces in the audience and speak to them.Look into their eyes.It helps prevent you from staring off into the distance or reading from notes.It also helps make you feel like you are talking in a conversation rather than speaking to a group. 5. When you look great,you feel great.That makes you confident.Looking great doesn't mean wearing new clothes.It means wearing clothes and shoes you feel comfortable and appropriate to the setting.You can't go wrong with business suit.Simple is fine,but you should look clean from head to toe.Task116.Paragraph: 17.Paragraph:18.Paragraph:19.Paragraph:20.Paragraph:A.Be enthusiasticB.Know your materialsC.Make eye contactD.Know your audienceE.Improve graduallyF.Dress appropriatelyTask 221.Feedback helps speakers___22.Memorizing materials may lead to___23.Hand gestures and smiles help create___24.Looking into the eyes of the audience helps___25.Wearing right clothes may___A.lack of enthusiasmB.make you look greatC.a positive atmosphereD.improve their speaking skillsE.stop you from reading your notesF.become a good listener


    卷面总分:100分     试卷年份:2016    是否有答案:    作答时间: 120分钟   

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    How to Perfect the Art of Public Speaking

    If you want to become the type of speaker you've always wanted to be,read

    the following suggestions.

    1.  You can't go from a nervous speaker to a star speaker overnight.You shouldn't expect to.Give yourself time to get used to a large audience.Start with smaller groups and get as much feedback as you can.Keep on practicing and developing your skills.

    2.  Be familiar with your speech materials.That doesn't mean memorizing your speech,which can lack enthusiasm and naturalness.Know your key talking points,supporting details and ways to move from one point to the next.

    3.  Positive energy can be passed.If you're excited and enthusiastic,your audience will be,too.You'll be surprised at the positive cycle that creates:An enthusiastic audience can add even more energy to you.Use hand gestures.When appropriate,smile,smile,smile.

    4. Find friendly,interested faces in the audience and speak to them.Look into their eyes.It helps prevent you from staring off into the distance or reading from notes.It also helps make you feel like you are talking in a conversation rather than speaking to a group.

    5. When you look great,you feel great.That makes you confident.Looking great doesn't mean wearing new clothes.It means wearing clothes and shoes you feel comfortable and appropriate to the setting.You can't go wrong with business suit.Simple is fine,but you should look clean from head to toe.







    A.Be enthusiastic

    B.Know your materials

    C.Make eye contact

    D.Know your audience

    E.Improve gradually

    F.Dress appropriately

    Task 2

    21.Feedback helps speakers___

    22.Memorizing materials may lead to___

    23.Hand gestures and smiles help create___

    24.Looking into the eyes of the audience helps___

    25.Wearing right clothes may___

    A.lack of enthusiasm

    B.make you look great

    C.a positive atmosphere

    D.improve their speaking skills

    E.stop you from reading your notes

    F.become a good listener

    上一题 下一题

    更多题目 请在 下方输入框 内输入要搜索的题目:


    某英文报社正在举办题为Watching Movies at Home or in a Cinema?”的征文活动,请就此题目写一篇英文短文应征,内容包括:你喜欢在家还是在电影院?看电影理由是什么?

    11.Before 1765,travelers could have meals at a(n)___

    • A、A.bar

    • B、B.inn

    • C、C.restaurant

    • D、D.canteen

    Positive Attitude towards Failure

    I clearly remember a period during which I felt like a failure.But what I 31  learned was that failing at one thing is not failing at all things.And,in fact,failure is a 32  part of growth.Life is filled with trial and 33  .In order to walk the path to 34,you need to make some 35  turns along the way.What I learned was to"fail forward",to 36  each mistake to make myself better.One of the  37  problems people have with failure is that they are too quick to judge isolated 38  in their lives and label them as failures.39  ,they need to keep the bigger picture in mind.A successful baseball player doesn't 40  at a mistake he makes and think of failure.He sees it within the context of the bigger picture.









    G Firstly










